Friday, March 02, 2007


Chamela Bay

Jonesy rides in a pickup truck
Our 2nd stop coming south along Mexico's Gold Coast, was Chamela Bay. I don't know if it was because we were tired, leery of the dinghy landing options, or itching to move on, but we didn't feel like staying long here.

We had to land/launch our dinghy through the surf onto the beach, which is always difficult and dangerous because of the outboard motor propeller. We walked about 3 miles inland to the main highway because one of our travel guide books mentioned a market there. The little town of Chamela is kinda plain. After hiking in the heat, sun, and humidity we found out that the market had been closed for years! Well, at least it was interesting to see the tomato and chili pepper fields up close.

We were pooped. How about hitching a ride back into town? With luck on our side, a pickup truck stopped and we climbed in the back along with the other passenger already riding there - an older man wearing a cowboy hat and sitting up on the outer ledge of the truck bed. We took the safer, gringo seats down in the truck bed. Wow! What speed! We cruising sailors think 6 knots is hauling buns! It's been a long time since we rode in the back of a pick up truck as it's illegal in California - and a long time since we rode in anything other than a bus!

Onward to our next stop - Tenacatita...knitting all the way on the "Estonian Garden Wrap". I always put the finished length in a plastic bag on my lap to protect it. When I have to man the lines I use my old weightlifting gloves to protect my knitting hands. They are just so delicate! Besides callouses would snag the baby alpaca yarn!

International Yarn Emergency: I have run out of one color (slate) of the J&S yarn for my "Grass Creek Park" vest!! Usually, I would substitute another color, but this is for the fences above the sheep and I really want to have the same color to emphasize the design. In the USA this would be no problem - order more yarn. But in Mexico...Ai-yi-yi mucho problemo! First, that yarn is not sold in this country so I have to import it from somewhere. But, there are duties, customs fees, and flat rate administrative fees to bring any merchandise into Mexico. It would cost many, many more times the price of the yarn to have it shipped here. Yes, even if it were sent as a gift I would have to pay these fees!! And finally, I'm not at my Mexican address in Puerto Vallarta to receive an imported package anyway.

The solution: My husband's sister is coming down for a visit in mid-March and she has graciously agreed to bring along some yarn. Whew! This sets me back a few weeks in getting this project done - but I have until mid July when I go to Meg Swansen's Knitting Camp (cross my fingers) to have it done. There are several of us campers from last year that have made a pact to complete this project. Knitting onward...

THIS JUST IN...the sailing vessel Fafner just now motored past us here in the Las Hadas anchorage on their way out to continue their jouney around the world! Next stop is the Galapagos Islands about 20 sailing days away! Bon Voyage, Arnold family; Geoff and Karen, and daughters Claire (13) and Alexandra (11). These are some of my yarn buddies who knit & crochet!

We'll all miss you guys!

Hi Terry,
I just emailed you about sailing and now I read you go to Meg's camp. I also go...I will be going to 2.75 this year as we have travel plans during the other retreat. Small world! Maybe I will see you in Marshfield, WI. Jane
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